Finding the middle ground between Martha Stewart and Lindsay Lohan

There IS a middle ground. Much like one of the world's most beloved (and often times controversial) musical icons, Madonna has danced across that middle ground from one extreme to the next and has shown that one does not need to choose a side and that the best of both worlds can be embraced. To be a mother and enjoy baking with the kiddies and to enjoy wearing next to nothing while dancing on a stage in front of millions are not two personalities that must exist exclusive of each other.

For those of us who are through with the competition for mother of the year but still like to garden, for all you die hard party animals who've had their fill of borderline alcoholism and dancing but still cling to your collection of scandalous evening wear, we find ourselves here, stumbling over the stepping stones of those daring enough to go before us. For all you Marthas out there its time to bust out the bar tops and for all you Lindsays its time for some oven mits (and perhaps a fire extinguisher). Have no fear, if The Rock can be a Tooth Fairy then anything is possible!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Exhaustion does things to your brain

Caught deep in the twirling depths of a novel I must finish.  why oh why am I doing this to myself the very same month that I started a new job at a new barn?  my first time back to work after almost three years of being a full time mom and the extra weight I'm carrying around is not making the physical labour enjoyable.  Although the sleep deprivation is something I'm used to I'd say that all four kids getting chicken pox a couple migraines and strep throat all within the past three weeks don't make for the happy camper I normally am.  aside from all that I really do think that the stereotypically weirdo/insane/scruffy writer image that pops into people's heads has finally become a reality for me.  I finally understand that its roots come from spending so much time substituting the world we've created for the one we are supposed to be living in.  Maybe it might be the excessive coffee?
It's the American thanksgiving weekend starting tomorrow and it got me thinking of my little list.  I'm currently thankful for:  Advil liquigels, the Tim Horton's staff who keep me fueled all hours of the night while I work, having a boss who raised half a dozen children herself and is therefore understanding, the fact that I work with animals not people, and last but not least, goats who spend more time outside than in so leave less poop for me to scoop out of their pens. :)
I have so much I want to share but I think it is just going to have to wait until AFTER the book is done! Mainly because I started blogging right around the same time I started the rest of my crazy activities.  OH the things I have to share!!! can't wait until next time.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


That time of year is upon us once more! For any of you writers out there I'm sure you know what I'm talking about when I refer to for any of you who don't have a clue it's short for national novel writing month and it happens every year in November.  People from across the globe pitch their creativity forward in a crazy ride towards a 50 000 word count minimum throwing all sense of caution and editing to the wind.  the goal being to actually write the novel we all to long have dreamed of writing only to edit to smithereens before it ever finishes leaving our minds and getting past the first few pages.  Awful writing is encouraged as it means one has given up all caution and fully given themselves over to the imagination that is creative writing.  All novels must be submitted before midnight on November 30th.
I for my part have been an admirer of this process for a long time and have been waiting for this month for a long time.  Last year I was in the process of moving so although I did write it wasn't a completed book by the end of the month.  I did hit my word count but I hadn't wrapped up my story.  That book has been stored away with a couple others I had put pen to paper on but never really knew where to take them.
So here we are on another novel writing month and I had a whole day of quiet.  no work and kids are off at school and I found myself scouring the net procrastinating and eating left over Halloween candy.  My major weakness has always been my unending distraction on the Internet and my lack of ability to write anything before 3am.  Tonight I think I might make a trip to Tim Horton's and park myself in the corner.  My room mate who works there has promised to keep me fueled with endless amounts of coffee and the lack of wifi I think will help.  Lets not forget the endlessly uncomfortable chairs they have for no reason I can comprehend beyond their high traffic flow.  I think I'd live there if only they had dimmer lighting and couches.
Beyond all that though, if you are a writer but haven't heard of the nanwrimo then get thee to the web page now and check it out! There is also a book called No Plot No Problem by Chris Baty who started it all (which is what got me going) that you should definitely check out as well.  If you have heard of Nanowrimo and are participating this year well then good luck and see you all at the finish line!  Now off to go attempt some writing for the day.  If I don't get distracted by something else first that is.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trick or Treat

Halloween weekend and from carving pumpkins to picking up costumes and roasting seeds its been busy busy with charged up kids on a sugar high since Friday.  Since we have recently moved out to the country we decided to take the kids to our old neighbourhood  to let them trick or treat with their friends.  It was a long night but well worth the drive.  A laundry basket full of candy later we packed a reaper, a serial killer, a pirate and a lamb into the back of the car and other then the sound of wrappers for the first ten minutes there wasn't a peep beyond snoring by the end of the ride home.
We had a chance to catch up with some old neighbours and traded phone numbers so hopefully the kids can have a sleep over or something some time soon.  The one disadvantage to moving to the country is that there isn't a lot of other kids to play with out here.  I think it would have been easier for them had they been born out here because they wouldn't know what they were missing but having lived in the city first, well, they miss their friends.  We still stand by the decision as when we were living in the city we didn't have enough control over who they were playing with and what they were getting up to so it's nice to have reined that in but it's definitely been a transition for them. 
On our way down I got a good laugh as one of the radio station wished everyone a happy Halloween and then encouraged everyone to go get some candy from strangers.  It made me laugh so hard to think of the fact that we spend every day of the year teaching and preaching at our kids not to talk to strangers, take anything from strangers and definitely never approach a strangers house but then on Halloween night its a huge party to run from house to house with a pillowcase demanding candy. lol.  I hope every country has some ridiculous tradition they stick with that's as much fun as this one.  I wouldn't have it any other way.

Dirty Dancing!!

Oh man! Le sigh......alright my guilty admission is this, I had never seen dirty dancing until today, and what a movie it is! I can't believe I waited so long. Now I see what all the fuss is about.  It's funny though I mean as much as the dancing is great and Patrick Swayze (who I was never attracted to until this movie) is suddenly transformed into the man of every girl's dream, it's really the love story itself that I think sweeps people away.
In recent years they've tried to redo the dancing/love story movie into something more modern with the Step Up movies but they lack the real and true love story that's told in Dirty Dancing.  I'm not quite sure of whats missing but I'm guessing it's the strength of the bond.  I only come to this conclusion because of the recent almost fanatical obsession that is sweeping across North America like the flu.  Of course I'm referring to Twilight. 
There is a definite lack of true gentlemen left in this world but the fact remains that the hopes of meeting one who's willing to step out of the crowd and sweep us off our feet hasn't left our list of things to day dream about.  There's a fight for equality going on out there for women but it seems that there's no lack of desire for romance.  Why that seems to be flying out the window as we make more and more steps towards our goal of equality I'm not sure but one thing I do know is that it's nothing short of disappointing.
 I'm not sure if this is something that's really supposed to go both ways, I mean splitting the cost on the dates is the modern way of doing it and really not something I'm against but it's definitely blurring the lines of how to really treat a lady for some of the boys out there.  When was the last time someone held open a door or pulled out a chair for you? I know it seems almost over the top in formality but what happened to all of the little things guys used to do to make a girl feel special?  And is the reciprocation of that limited solely to a woman taking up the traditional role of stepping into the kitchen and really "taking care of" her man?  If it's limited to these gender stereotypes is it such a terrible thought to be made to participate in something that's viewed as so archaic as to undermine all our years of effort in the women's rights movement? I really don't think there's anything wrong with it some of the time, especially given it's still the women that are more often then not staying home with the children and taking care of the home anyway.
 So is it starting to turn out that the fight for equality is leading to more and more men being let off the hook for making an effort while women end up still doing most of what they had to do in the first place and often times more when they are expected to see to the domestic matters and hold an outside job?  Perhaps that's simply my experience but I do wonder if its becoming the norm out there.  HRMPH!
Anyway back to topic, Dirty Dancing is a fabulous movie.  I'm glad I finally got to see it as it was nice to be swept off my feet by Patrick Swayze even if it was just for a little while.  Now if only I could find that in reality.  Le sigh......