Finding the middle ground between Martha Stewart and Lindsay Lohan

There IS a middle ground. Much like one of the world's most beloved (and often times controversial) musical icons, Madonna has danced across that middle ground from one extreme to the next and has shown that one does not need to choose a side and that the best of both worlds can be embraced. To be a mother and enjoy baking with the kiddies and to enjoy wearing next to nothing while dancing on a stage in front of millions are not two personalities that must exist exclusive of each other.

For those of us who are through with the competition for mother of the year but still like to garden, for all you die hard party animals who've had their fill of borderline alcoholism and dancing but still cling to your collection of scandalous evening wear, we find ourselves here, stumbling over the stepping stones of those daring enough to go before us. For all you Marthas out there its time to bust out the bar tops and for all you Lindsays its time for some oven mits (and perhaps a fire extinguisher). Have no fear, if The Rock can be a Tooth Fairy then anything is possible!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Encaustic Painting

I have big plans to do this paper mosaic craft without a doubt but  found some really cool stuff online while I was searching for inspiration.  My brother in law just got married and I had it in my mind to make something really fancy as far as a frame goes.  I had thought to do the paper mosaic but it somehow didn't seem like something that would fit in with their sense of personal taste.  They just moved into a brand new upscale condo and have very modern tastes so it's one of those things where I have to steer clear of anything that's going to look to artsy fartsy.  In reality I do like crafts and art but I certainly don't like things that LOOK like crafts or something that would be found in my grandmothers house.
 Anyway I found something called encaustc painting and the stuff some of these people are producing is just beautiful.  Basically they are painting with wax and creating different effects by using techniques involving embedding objects, using flow pens, scraping etc.  You can see different examples and perhaps learn more about it at
I have gathered some images I liked of couples hands and feet entwined as well as a couple shots of people doing the tango, all in black and white and I'm trying to decide how to use them.  There's a technique with the encaustic painting where they transfer black and white images onto a surface that has been waxed and then sort of clear coat it which looks like I might be able to do something with so I think I may give that a shot.  So many ideas it's no wonder I take so long deciding which one to try first.  It will still likely be the mosaic I try first as it's a cheaper option I can do with very little start up cost as opposed to having to go out and buy wax, but its something I definitely want to try in the future.

Mosaic art anybody?

I have always had a love of art however my own painting or sketching ability has never really been quite up to par with what I'd like to express.  That being said I believe anybody can create art, its simply a matter of finding the right medium.  Writing is a good way to express what I'm thinking in words and has always come quite naturally but sometimes it's nice to be able to just let go mentally and absorb oneself in the creation of something beautiful.  That being said I was recently at the site of an artist named Sonia King.  She brings the world of mosaic art to a whole other level and you must check her out.

Beyond the quality of a professional artist however I've always been attracted to mosaics for their free form beauty yet their lack of reliance on things like paintbrushes.  I almost feel when I look at some of them as if I am looking at a complicated version of colouring in the lines of a colouring book which is perhaps what brings about the ability to stop demanding perfection of myself, halt the overly critical eye and simply create.  I have hesitated for a long time before attempting mosaics for the simple fact that it seemed like a lot of work finding broken tiles, working through colours and dealing with grout.  Fact is that it is a lot of work and it may not even be that but more the cost of starting out that's intimidating, but it doesn't have to prevent you from doing it.  Do a quick google image search for "paper mosaics" and you will see what I am talking about.  Obviously they are not the gorgeous textured masterpieces we drool over in high end stores but they do retain quite a bit of the beauty of their heavier counterparts and for a fraction of the cost.  A thing to keep in mind when creating these is that adding a high gloss coating over top will not only protect them but also make them look very similar to some of the tile versions as well.
 I have seen some paper mosaics that were absolutely gorgeous and I questioned the ability to create something so detailed out of any items other then paper.  The best tip I have seen for collecting coloured paper is to go to the hardware store or paint supply store and pick up a bunch of free paint chips.  when working with a given colour pick up as many different shades of that colour as possible and you'll be sure to surprise even yourself with how creative you can be. 
I'm only just starting to gather a few ideas for images I'd like to try and will be picking up some paint chips myself this weekend so I will be sure to keep you posted on how it goes.  I think what I'm going to aim for to start is just a few picture frames, or mirrors with well blended colour frames.  I'll probably pick up some of those plain frames from the dollar store and work with those to begin until I get the hang of it and figure out any preferences.
 I can't wait to post up some pictures of what I end up with and I'm hoping it will be something I can add to my Christmas baskets.  If you haven't guessed it's all a trial run to see what I can make on a mass scale and decide if there's a way to market it somehow at a later point.  There are step by step guides all over the net so if any of you decide to give it a go then I'd love to see some pictures or hear some feedback on how it went.  As always tips, tricks and comments are welcome. :)

Pumpkin seeds!!

I'm not really sure when I started such a crazy tradition but I do know it comes from something to do with the fact that by the time I was having children I wasn't much past being a child myself.  Either way every Halloween instead of buying only a single pumpkin we have always bought one for every person in the family.  In the beginning it was a little extra carving that was all in good fun but after our family has grown to include four little boys whose requests for amazing carvings is endless I'm starting to wonder what I was thinking.  It's well worth the effort to see how happy it makes them but man o man talk about a time consuming, messy, hand cramping tradition!  And let's not forget that where there is pumpkin carving (especially on such a mass scale)there is muck sorting and then seed roasting to be done!
I just got through sorting and washing and the first batch is in the oven.  I never actually checked for methods or different seasoning ideas online before as I was always a fan of basic salted but I may try something different this year.  I happen to have a small jar of spices left over from when I attempted to make apple chips so I might throw that on top of a batch and see how it goes.  I'm hoping with all the nutmeg it might taste like pumpkin pie.  The ones I have in right now I used fresh ground black pepper and sea salt, even the pepper is a new twist I haven't tried before so I guess I haven't been vary daring with my pumpkin seeds!
I'm looking forward to the finished product more this year then others for a different reason though.  This year is our first year living in the country and although we are somewhat strapped for cash having just bought a new house, I'm looking forward to Christmas gift giving for the simple fact that I have not and will not buy anything for anyone.  No I haven't turned into scrooge but I have made the decision to hand make (not including the kids) all of our gifts.  More on that in another blog but for now I will definitely share the fact that these pumpkin seeds are going to be going out to family and friends as part of the holiday gift giving.  Can't wait!
All the ideas that have been evolving since moving out to the country are phenomenal but I have to say there's few things that bring me right back to my childhood faster then carving pumpkins and roasting seeds.  The best part is it's something that was passed to me by my parents that I'm sharing with my kids and I hope they will pass onto to their children.  Nothing beats old fashioned traditions and with the face of modern families changing so much It's that much more important to keep things like this going.  Roast away everyone, and feel free to share any tips tricks or recipes that you use for your pumpkin seeds at home.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Napkin Dad Daily

The Napkin Dad Daily
I just wanted to take a minute to post a link up to this mans site. I know I primarily aim my blog towards women and adjusting to the many hats we have to wear, but it's more because it's an element I am comfortable in. Plenty of men are out there doing the exact same thing and I often find myself wondering if they have even close to the same support system tha tis out there for females. I don't think I'm wrong to think the answer is that they don't. This short little story about how his blog began was enough to make me smile so I thought perhaps if you had a minute you should check it out.

Let me Begin

I think I should start this by saying that if you're like most women of child bearing age who have a concern over health then I do believe we are going to get along famously.  While I don't believe that it's a topic that we all must obsess over and I certainly don't believe that any negativity must be blamed on main stream media, I do believe that despite all the noise out there promoting one thing or another, we should be making an effort to maintain a healthy body fat percentage, NOT weight.  Anyone can cook if they want too.  What's that you say? don't want to learn? don't have time? well that's not an issue either, ever hear of a sandwich!? Maybe not a PB & J, but I timed how long it took me to make a tuna sandwich with lettuce and some fruit and it was less then four minutes.  Believe it or not there are tons of healthy meal options out there that don't require cooking.  In fact there are a growing number of people out there who don't believe in cooking their food at all. The health benefits are countless, so please for your own sake, skip the excuses and make with the changes already! :) I hope I'm not sounding like a preacher, make no mistake as a stay at home mom of four I am anything but slim and athletic but there's no reason to be polluting your body with the garbage out there being sold as "food" simply because you aren't bouncing around in your ideal body type.  Remember its all the little things that count towards our overall health.  Oh and a little tip for those of you who may have raised eyebrows on the body fat question wondering how to find out the answer is easy.  Don't buy a regular cheapo bathroom scale.  There are scales being sold these days that after a few minutes programming will tell you not just your weight but body fat and hydration as well.  They are worth the investment as they give you a clearer picture of hat is going on with your body.  For those of us who obsessively weigh in when starting a new fitness program this also helps to prevent some of the disappointment that may come from numbers that don't seem to be changing on a regular scale.  You'd be surprised by how much your weight can go up when starting a new program while your body fat drops.  With the correct tools you can prevent a lot of frustration wondering why you are getting heavier and not realising its because your muscle mass has increased and the fat is in actuality melting away.  these scales generally run around the 50 dollar mark but if you are strapped for cash and still want to know your body fat check out Shoppers Drugmart.  They carry a brand of body fat analyzers called Omron.  These can usually be found behind the pharmacy counter but since they're hand held they really have no reason to object to your trying it out and then you will at least have a starting point.  when you have the money be sure to purchase one however as it is an invaluable tool.  I personally worked in a gym for a number of years and we had the Omrons on hand and used them regularly. I would recommend them quite readily to anyone especially given their ease of use if you're not one to want to mess around with anything technical.